Mavrixonline was recently given the opportunity to review the new Rejuve E-Cigarette and Rejuve Juice Pen.
Unlike other E-Cigs which are often made of metal, this E-Cig was very light in weight felling almost exactly like a real Cigarette which was a major plus. Also, the filter had some give which made it easier and more comfortable to hold between the teeth if necessary. It lasted around three days of normal use and was all in all, a very realistic experience.
The Rejuve Juice Pen was easy to operate, charge etc and gave a good amount of vapor from the “Italian Coffee” vape juice supplied. Overall it is a considerable step up from an E-Cig offering a more satisfying experience and of course can be re-charged indefinitely.
Vapor alternatives are increasingly being seen out and about, with many people and even celebrities making the switch. Lets’ hope products like Rejuve can help make our environment a cleaner healthier place!