Courtney Stodden Wears Lettuce Bikini For PETA
As risqué as some of Courtney Stodden’s wardrobe choices have been, she’s never hit the streets wearing nothing but fresh produce—but all that changed today when the vegetarian PETA supporter and new “Lettuce Lady” wore only strategically placed lettuce leaves as she served passersby free delicious, humane, and healthy veggie dogs from Hollywood’s legendary hot-dog stand Pink’s.
What makes Courtney hot for veggie dogs? Besides being far kinder to animals, vegan meals are a great way to stay healthy from age 18 to 53 and beyond, as vegans are less prone to heart disease, obesity, cancer, and diabetes than meat-eaters are. Vegan meals also reduce our carbon footprint – since raising animals for food is a leading cause of greenhouse-gas emissions.
In her PETA video, Courtney explains why she’s glad to be a vegetarian. “You feel better within yourself because you know that you are not only saving animals, but you’re actually helping the environment,” she says. “I’m so happy that I switched, and I’m never going back.”