Lohan Free To Start Community Service
Free from house arrest, Lindsay Lohan steps out revealing long, lean and ankle bracelet free legs.
Lohan was spotted looking very happy at the Downtown Women’s Center in LA where she began working to complete her 360 hours of community service that is part of her sentence. Lohan was also sentenced to perform 120 hours of janitorial duties at the Los Angeles County Morgue. She has one year to complete her duties at the facilities, so she didn’t waste any time getting started as soon as her confinement was over.
It was also reported that Lindsay was going to have a huge birthday bash in the Hamptons this week but it seems she’s changed her mind. She’s said to have canceled the arrangements in favor of a low key affair at home in Califormia where she is planning on getting in as many hours of hr community service as possible.
Start as you mean to go on Linds, good decision!