Is Blaaake After Amy Winehouse’s Cash?
There are all kinds of stories floating around about Blake Fielder-Civil wanting Amy Winehouse’s cash in the event that they ever actually get divorced. Don’t worry, I’ll spare you the needless details about the two of the two of them reportedly having *GAG* goodbye sex *HORF* in her hospital bed last week *BARF!*
I could hardly type that sentence without dry heaving.
Anyway, now people are saying he’s only after Amy’s cash. Last week, Blaaake said:
“I’m not interested in Amy’s money. I’m not taking a penny off her.”
Amy’s dad has reportedly offered him $75,000 to go away quietly, to which Blaaake is said to have replied:
“If Amy wants to divorce I need to hear it from Amy–not you. You’re organizing your daughter’s divorce settlement and she doesn’t know anything about it. I’m not going to discuss anything with you.”
Undoubtedly smelling a paycheck coming, Blaaake’s mom seems to think that he’s worthy of at least $4 million of Amy’s $10 million fortune.
We’ll have to see what comes of this, but I’m totally rooting for Amy. Even if he does walk away with millions, at least she has the talent to make it all back (and then some, if she gets herself sorted out). I’m not sure what kind of marketable skill or talent Blaaake has to make a fortune like that by himself (unless somebody starts paying people to fail drug tests, that is. Blaaake seems to be really, really good at that kind of thing).