Is Katie Price on the Market for a Segway?
Now that Katie Price (aka Jordan) and husband Peter Andre have relocated to Los Angeles for the time being, the happy couple are getting settled in and beginning to get into the swing of things. And, from the looks of it, they may be looking for a simpler means of transportation than their usual SUV!
The two spent the day today out and about in Los Angeles today and after Peter had lunch with friends at Gladstone Seafood, he met up with Katie at the Segway Los Angeles store, where a sales person demonstrated the features of one of the personal transportation units.
I looove Segways. I once dated a guy who got one for free so that he could promote them, and I rode that thing all over the neighborhood. Then, I ran it into a car and gave up my Segway riding days for good. They’re really the coolest things ever, though…Jordan should get one, she’d love it.