Random Snaps from Fashion Week Events
We’ll start the post off with a picture of my two favorite young Hollywood ladies: Amanda Bynes and Hilary Duff! Mandy’s looking a little orange and Hills could use a blotting paper or twelve, but neither can ever do any wrong in my eyes. The girls hit up the QVC Kick-Off party for fashion week. Rachel Zoe hosted the shindig.
QVC? Really? What, was the HGTV channel booked already? And who knew they had the budget for an event like that? It was an all-out PAR-TAY! Little known fact: QVC is my guilty pleasure. I can watch those women pitch me ugly Quacker Factory sweaters for hours on end. It’s a sickness, I know.
Anyway, there were a few other events going on in the city at the time, including the Poleci fashion show in the Meat-Packing District that Kelly Rowland attended.