Iconic Hotel The Fontainebleau Miami Beach Pays Tribute To Late Whitney Houston
The Fontainebleau Miami Beach, a mecca for celebrities, celebrated the life of the late Whitney Houston by keeping the lights on in its penthouse, as a memorial for the late singer’s untimely death.
Whitney Houston is just one of the stars that helped to immortalize the hotel with her appearances there, as well as the fact that her 1996 film, The Bodyguard was shot at the iconic hotel.
In addition to Whitney Houston, The Fountainebleau Miami Beach has hosted some of the most famous people in the world, including Jennifer Lopez, Lady Gaga and Houston’s The Bodyguard costar, Kevin Costner.
The time Houston spent at The Fountainebleau Miami Beach will forever be solidified in film, securing her presence at the hotel as one of it’s most famous patrons.