Jim Carrey at the London Premiere of the Yes Man

Earlier today, London celebrated the premiere of Jim Carrey’s new movie, The Yes Man. If I were there, I’d have celebrated too! I loooooves me some Jim Carrey, and I love him even more for dating Jenny McCarthy. They’ve got to be the coolest couple in Hollywood.

I mean, who else can say that they’ve hosted a show like Singled Out?! Okay, Chris Hardwick and Carmen Electra can say that, but they’re fairly awesome, too. Carmen even has her own line of stripper poles.

Also, people always talk about how funny Jim Carrey is. But you know what? He’s damn sexy, too. I can’t believe how many readers got their panties in a bundle over Hugh Laurie, but not so much over Jim. I’d take Jim Carrey any day. 

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