Michael Jackson Goes Toy Shopping
Here’s how my thought process works: I saw that I had pictures labeled “Jackson”, and I immediately thought of Janet. Then I got that It’s All For You song in my head, and I opened the pictures —- only to find Jacko staring back at me. I’m still getting used to this “Michael Jackson is making a comeback and isn’t being a hermit with his kids anymore” situation that I find myself in.
Here’s a little query for you: if you were accused of the things that Michael Jackson has been accused of, would you let yourself be photographed shopping for toys for little kids? Would you? Because I don’t think that I would. I’d try to stage some shots around grown up things, like drinking beer, skeet shooting (don’t ask why that came to mind) or operating a BBQ.
I guess Michael doesn’t have the same ideas that I do, because he took his kids to a toy store yesterday in Beverly Hills. Of course, the whole clan wore masks.