Sex and the City DVD Release Party
The women from Sex and the City were out in full force last night for the DVD release party at the New York public library. I’ve never heard of shindigs like this taking place in a library, but whatever. At this point in time, however, I would like to draw your attention to Kim Cattrall. I know that her outfit probably costs more than my car, but I swear I saw something totally similar in a Tulsa, Oklahoma Wal Mart last year around Christmas time. Those Wal Mart shoppers love a little glitz and glamor around the holidays!
Sarah Jessica Parker, on the other hand, absolutely killed it! The hair was fabulous, the makeup was flawless and her dress was nearly perfect (what’s up with that pattern on the front? I thought at first it was a smoke trail from a cigarette, but I’m pretty sure that’s on the dress).