The Maxim Hot 100 Party
The Maxim Hot 100 party was the other day, and I totally would have been there if I wasn’t laying on my deathbed. I caught a major case of something nasty, which is why posting has been kind of sporadic the last couple of days. But fear not, I’ve downed a bottle of DayQuil, popped some Pepto and I’m at least 15% better. So, on to the celebrity gossip!
Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag Pratt were at the party, and those shoes of hers are enough to earn her a spot on the Hot 100. I really want a pair, and I’ll give mad props and a shout out in a later post to anyone who can tell me where to buy them online…leave the info in the comments section with your name, and I’ll make you (pseudo) famous.
Other peeps in attendance were the Kardashian sisters, Gabrielle Union (LOVE HER!), Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minnillo, Amanda Bynes (LOVE HER TOO!), Brittny Gastineau and Audrina Patridge. Congrats to all the ladies who made the list!