Lakers/Celtics Game Brings Out the Stars
Hey look, it’s Marky Mark! I flippin’ love that guy. He’s hotness personified, with a little bit of ghetto-fied street cred. And if there’s one thing you can never get enough of during the holidays, it’s hard liquor ghetto-fied street cred.
While I was out being a degenerate gambler at a West Virginia casino last night (now that was an experience I’ll never forget), Marky Mark, Andy Garcia, Denzel Washington, Dustin Hoffman and Samuel L. Jackson were out watching the Lakers/Celtics basketball game. Even Sinbad showed up, bringing with him his Santa-like belly and fierce leopord print towel. Don’t ask, because I don’t know either.
Anyway, the Lakers ended up winning the game. You know who else won last night? I DID! I came >thisclose< to getting into a fist fight with a geriatric woman over a 50 cent Wheel of Fortune slot machine, but I came out victorious. Maybe it’s because I threw her quarters bucket across the room, but whatev. A win is still a win, damnit.
I also hit the poker room, which was interesting. I kept expecting the WV natives to raise me a bowl of possum stew or a coon skin hat or something, but they didn’t. Turns out, they play with actual chips that represent actual cash money, not roadkill or gold teeth. Who’d have thought?