Helena Christensen Creates Photo Booklet Meltdown To Show Government Global Warming Effects
Oxfam Global Ambassador, photographer and stunning model, Helena Christensen shows that she is much more than just a beautiful face.
Helena has published a booklet of her photographs, which she is sending to government officials and heads of state attending the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20). The booklet is the culmination of four years work with Oxfam in which Helena travelled to Peru, Nepal and Kenya to document the impact of climate change on people’s lives and their ability to produce food.
Entitled “Meltdown,” it features 42 color, black-and-white, and Polaroid photos. Images from Helena’s first two trips to Peru and Nepal have been exhibited at the United Nations in New York, in Washington, London and at the climate change talks in Copenhagen in 2009.
Helena said; “I witnessed the impact of glaciers melting at an alarming rate in my mother’s native Peru, the aftermath of flooding in Nepal and met families in Kenya struggling to cope with a severe drought which put millions at risk of starvation. It is families like this that despite contributing the least to the global climate crisis, are bearing the brunt of the impact.” She added, “The men, women and children in my photographs deserve to live beyond the lens and be remembered by our governments as lives rather than numbers. My images are intended to remind those discussing the fate of our planet that the future is not yet set in stone. I hope that governments meeting at Rio+20 will commit to making the changes so desperately needed to create a future safe from the risks of a changing climate, water, land and food shortages, and to set us on the path to a sustainable and prosperous future for everyone.
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