The New Kids on the Block Rock!
If the first time was a great time, the second time is a blast. The third time, they’ll rock my world…never second best.
All right, I promise not to quote any more New Kids on the Block lyrics. Even if they do have the right stuff, baby. Okay! For real now, I’m totally done. Step by step, I’ll get through this post without them. Step four: I can give you more! Damnit!!!
I love, love, LOVE the New Kids on the Block. Theirs was one of the first concerts I ever went to. I was obsessed with Joey, and used to have his Teen Beat pictures plastered on my wall. Who am I kidding? They’re still there. You’re never too old for Joey.
Anyway, the NKOTB were at LAX nightclub in Las Vegas last night. I have to say, I think they’ve only gotten hotter with age. Except for the one in the middle…he kind of looks like a hobbit. Regardless, I would have had a heart attack and died right on the spot if I’d have been there to see them all together again. I’d sell my grandmother to party with them.